Safeguarding Policy (Implemented October 2012)

Name and Address of Organisation: Nuneaton Festival of Arts, 17 Milby Drive, Nuneaton, CV11 6JR

Name & Address of Chairman: Mrs Jane Hanson, 109, Glenfield Avenue, Nuneaton, CV10 0DY


  • Nuneaton Museum & Art Gallery
  • Salvation Army Citadel, Nuneaton
  • Abbey Theatre/Arts Centre, Nuneaton
  • Civic Hall, Bedworth
  • Manor Court Baptist Church, Nuneaton
  • Chilvers Coton Parish Hall, Nuneaton.

Dates: March – June annually.

Preliminary Statement:

The safety of vulnerable adults and children is paramount and all, without exception, have the right to protection from abuse. All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously, responded to swiftly and appropriately and all the charity’s trustees/organisers/staff/volunteers have a responsibility to report concerns.

Purpose & Function of Organisation:

The objective of the Festival is to provide a platform for amateur performance and to advance the education of the public in the Arts, both the Performing Arts and Visual Arts. This policy relates to children under the age of 18 years and those vulnerable adults of any age who are identified to the organisers prior to their arrival at the Festival. The organisers actively seek to meet special needs notified to them by parent, guardians, carers/teachers.

The Festival Environment:

Our festivals are held in a variety of buildings, though performers/competitors do not need to move between them unless attending different events. All have areas open to the public. The Nuneaton festival of Arts is a charity (Registered Charity Number 1041379 and is run by volunteers.

To whom does this policy apply?

This policy relates to children under the age of 18 years and members of vulnerable groups of any age whose needs are identified to the festival organisers by parents/guardians/carers and/or teachers prior to their arrival at our festival. We do this by ensuring that you receive a copy of this policy at the time you are making arrangements to attend our festival.

Festival Personnel:

Festival helpers are recruited through section organisers and through local press/ publications. The Festival secretary holds names and addresses of all members of the Festival Committee and stewards. They will be identifiable at events by badges. Any problems should be referred to them. All concerns will be documented and dated. Job descriptions are provided for section organisers, their assistants, volunteers and members of the Executive. All jobs are reviewed to see if they need enhanced CRB checks.

Preparation for Attendance at the Festival:

This policy is sent out in the Festival syllabus and is available on our web site. It is sent to individual entrants with their tickets – the fact that individuals arrive for the appropriate classes indicates that they have also received the policy. A letter is sent to private teachers and group leaders with the policy. This letter has to be signed and returned to the section organizer as proof that the information has been passed to parents. Entries cannot be accepted unless a declaration has been signed and returned as it may damage our organisation if participants fail to follow our safeguarding policy.

One copy of the policy is sent to state/private schools where the entries are “school regulated events” (i.e. the teacher accompanies the pupils because it is a school activity). It is assumed that the school has done all that is necessary to gain permission from parents for the children to attend. Where parents/guardians/carers are not personally attending with their children, this policy requires them to be satisfied that their children will be accompanied to the festival and adequately supervised by responsible adults acting on their behalf. The policy is sent to parents/guardians/carers/teachers so that they become partners in implementing this policy.

Performance Areas and Changing Areas:

Whilst every effort will be made to provide a safe environment at the Festival, children are the responsibility of their parents/guardians/carers/teachers in charge. The Festival is run by volunteers and no supervision is provided between classes or in the lunch break. Public areas, practice rooms, toilets and changing areas will not be supervised by festival stewards on the days of the Festival. This is the responsibility of adults accompanying children and young people.

Photographs, Videotapes & Press Photography:

No tape recording, photography or video filming will be allowed in any class at the Festival. The committee reserves the right to require any person infringing this rule to leave the room where the class is being held. All mobile phones must be switched off during classes.

Legislation and Guidance supporting this policy:

The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
The Children Act 1989/2004
The Police Act 1997
The Data Protection Act 1998
The Human Rights Act 1998
The Protection of Children Act 1999
The Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000
The Protection of Vulnerable Groups Act 2000


The organisers will regularly review the policy, revising and enhancing it as necessary. In doing this they will look to the British and International Federation of Festivals for support. That body, in turn, will look to other agencies for good practice, most notably the NSPCC and Arts Council of England policy guidelines.